2024-06-02 03:41:18

一直以来 ,镜彩云南彩云之南的国际人间胜境藏着出行人对旅游的所有向往。这里有苍山洱海的摄影晒出空灵之境,原始森林的大赛管家婆下载自然景观,风情万种 、正式最美照片之南热情好客的启幕傣族人民 ,还有被誉为动植物王国的相约西双版纳 ,寓意“心中日月”的镜彩云南香格里拉......地处中国西南之境,25个少数民族风情在云南这片土地和谐共生,国际作为中国最受国际游客欢迎的摄影晒出旅游目的地之一,独特的大赛澳门一肖一码期期准资料少数民族文化 、自然景观和多样的正式最美照片之南生态系统成就云南国内外热门旅游目的地的美誉 。


日前 ,启幕凤凰网旅游在Instagram上发起“镜彩云南国际摄影大赛” ,相约号召全球旅行者在Instagram平台上晒出有关中国云南的镜彩云南相关摄影作品,分享在云南旅行时的澳彩大数据分析软件美好回忆 ,希望通过此次大赛 ,展现云南生物多样性之美 、民族风情之魅 ,唤起海外游客对云南的向往,为希望在疫情后前往云南旅行的海外游客提供旅行攻略 。


据悉 ,此次“镜彩云南”国际摄影大赛由云南省文化和旅游厅主办,凤凰网旅游承办 ,将于2021年2月1日启幕并于2021年3月25日截止 。届时 ,凤凰网旅游将联合美通社通过Instagram账号发布征集话题  ,Instagram用户只需将自己的摄影作品以#wildyunnanthroughthelens的标签发布即可参与大赛 。截止至2021年3月25日24:00 ,综合点赞数及评论数最高的5个账号可获得“年度云南推荐官”的称号以及旅游基金奖励,最终获奖名单将于2021年3月31日公布 。


心若向往 ,行之将至。世界已经被改变 ,然心生美好 ,旅游业依旧是诗与远方的向往 ,云南文旅厅与您相约疫情之后共赴彩云之南 。

以下为此次大赛的奖项设置及获奖奖品信息 :


一等奖(1名) :云南省旅游基金8000元;

二等奖(1名) :云南省旅游基金5000元;

三等奖(3名):云南省旅游基金3000元 。


此外,2021年联合国生物多样性大会拟定将于2021年在中国昆明举行 ,届时此次国际大赛将评选出20幅作品,在联合国生物多样性大会上展出。

欢迎大家踊跃报名参加 ,以下类型的照片获奖机率更大哦 !



·云南丰富的自然资源 ,包括展示中国多样化生态系统的照片;


·从雪山到热带环境 ,云南令人叹为观止的风景照片 。

- Yunnan Province in SW China announces global photo competition on Instagram

- 5 prize winners to be offered Yunnan travel fund (after the Covid-19 pandemic)

- Yunnan extends a warm welcome to international visitors post-pandemic

Kunming, China / Feb. 1st China’s Yunnan Province launches a new global photo campaign themed "Wild Yunnan Through the Lens" on Instagram, encouraging visitors across the world to share photos of their beautiful memories when they journeyed through Yunnan.

The global photography competition, organized by travel.ifeng.com, will be officially launched on the Instagram account @travel_ifeng on February 1st 2021. Anyone can post photos of their Yunnan trip with the hashtag #wildyunnanthroughthelens to enter the online contest. The organizer will announce the winners on March 31st.

Yunnan, located in southwestern China, is one of the most popular tourism destinations in the country for international travelers. In 2019, global travelers made a total of 7.39 million trips to the province, which features an extraordinary mix of ethnic minority culture, fascinating landscapes and diverse eco-system. The province’s famous tourism destinations include Lijiang, Dali, Shangri-La and Xishuangbanna.

Yunnan ranks top in China for its biodiversity. From snowy mountains to tropical rainforests, the province hosts the greatest number of plant species in the country, providing a wonderland for a wide range of animal species. It is known as the “kingdom of fauna” and the “kingdom of flora”. There are many rare and endangered animals in Yunnan, many of which can’t be found elsewhere in China.

The global tourism industry has been hit hard by the pandemic, as international travel has been seriously limited since last year. The local tourism industry hopes the photo competition can remind global travelers of their own memories of Yunnan, share their experiences and help take care of the vulnerable ecosystem and our mother Earth.

The competition organizer, on behalf of the Yunnan tourism industry, also extends an invitation to visitors across the world to revisit this magical place. Yunnan is ready to host international tourists to enjoy the beauty there once international travel reopens.

Post Your Photo Right Now

Instagram users just need to post their photos with the hashtag #wildyunnanthroughthelens to take part. All kinds of photos about Yunnan are welcomed, especially those featuring:

■ Cultural diversity in Yunnan, a major attraction for tourists and an important asset for the development of the local tourism industry.

■ Yunnan’s unique and fabulous ecotourism experiences, such as rainforest trekking with a local guide, camping trips in the mountains or natural hot springs.

■ Yunnan's rich natural resources, including photos featuring the most diverse ecosystem in China.

■ Festivals and activities in Yunnan, full of myths and celebrated by singing, dancing and painting.

■ Yunnan’s breathtaking landscapes and scenery from snow-capped mountains to a true tropical environment.

Awards and Prizes: Your next trip reimbursed!

The winners will be selected by a combination of an expert panel of highly-qualified tourism professionals and the numbers of “likes” and “comments” on Instagram.

The top 5 winners will receive the following prizes:

■ 1st Place: a Yunnan travel fund of RMB 8,000;

■ 2nd Place: a Yunnan travel fund of RMB 5,000;

■ 3rd to 5th Place: a RMB 3,000 Yunnan travel fund.

The travel fund will be valid from May 1st 2021 to the end of 2024. All five winners will also be granted the title “Tourism Recommendation Officer of the Year”.

In addition, 20 high-quality photography works selected from this campaign will be displayed during the 2021 United Nations Biodiversity Conference.

The members of judging panel will be announced soon.
